Pedigree Ovens Case Study
Since 1996, Pedigree Ovens, The Pound Bakery, and Pet Dine have been producing top-of-the-line private label pet treats. Based in Harvard, IL, Pedigree Ovens has a long history of environmental stewardship and community contributions.
In 2020, the pet bakery had their 1.7MW solar array installed. Not only was the array uniquely designed as a paw print and dog bone, it promised ROI in less than a year and covered 100% of the Pedigree Ovens’ electrical needs on a net-annual basis. Originally planned for the facility’s roof, the array was re-visioned and moved to the ground to provide for Pedigree Oven’s future expansion plans. In addition, careful placement of the modules was crucial in order to maintain the dog bone and paw imagery. OMCO Solar created and manufactured the mounting and racking for the installation, making sure the blue, silver, and black-on-black modules were aligned to ensure visual consistency.
In addition to saving money on energy costs, the array will help assure a sustainable clean energy future for the Harvard community as well as Pedigree staff and their families. Over the next 25 years, the array will offset 9,000 metric tons of CO2, the equivalent of 50 railcars of coal from being burned and the equivalent of more than 22 million passenger vehicle miles.
This “pawesome” dog bone and paw solar array will be seen by approximately 920,000 incoming flights to O’Hare Airport annually.
1.7 MW
Harvard, IL
<1 year
Projected Annual Savings
Projected CO2 Reduction
1,456 Tons
OMCO Solution
OMCO Fixed Tilt Mounting System

“OMCO Solar and Simpleray did a fantastic job putting this array together. It’s ‘pawesome,’ and a perfect statement about everything that we do and care about.”
– Kurt Stricker, Founder and President of Pedigree Ovens